Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Lavender Essential Oil | Lavender Essential Oil Uses

Lavender oil is an important essential oil consisted of many healing properties. Lavender essential oil is extracted from various components of lavender such as flower, roots, leafs, and spike.

Lavender oil is insoluble in water and we can differentiate it in 2 types based on lavender components, lavender flower oil and lavender spike oil.
Lavender Flower Oil is insoluble in water, having a density of 0.88 g/ml, and rich in calories.

Lavender spike oil is pure which is extracted from lavandula latifolia, linalyl acetate, and linalool.

Bulgaria is the largest lavender oil producer in the world.  Jammu and Kashmir is prestigious and famous place for producing lavender in the foothills of Himalayas. It is being used in making perfumes and beauty products across the world.

Lavender Essential Oil Uses

As per various clinical studies it has been proven that lavender essential oil may be useful to alleviate sleep disorder, stress, and anxiety. Many stress medicines are being prepared by using it.

Aromatherapy with lavender oil is very popular among peoples to get rid of stress, depression, and to get relax from tension. In order to get relax, fill your bath tub with water and add 7-10 drops of it and enjoy your bath now. This is one of the greatest way to take full advantage of lavender oil.

Lavender essential oil is beneficial to heal wounds, eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis and all types of burns because of the cicatrizant properties of it. Use of it should be avoided in case of epilepsy, fever, and pregnancy.

Lavender oil is also known to recover and treat all respiratory system and related ailments like cough, cold, and congestion.
A list of its properties are here –

  • Antiseptic
  • antimicrobial
  • Cicatrizant
  • antibacterial
  • Antidepressant
  • detoxifying
  • Expectorant
  • Nervine
  • hypotensive 
  • Analgesic
  • Vulnerary

Monday, March 27, 2017

Health Benefits of Almonds for Diabetes, High BP, Skin and Bones

Almond is one of the highly rich source of vitamins and fiber. Almonds have been packed with lots of health benefits and widely used in health products.
Here is the list of best proven health benefits of almonds.

1.     Almonds Delivers High volume of nutrients

Almond is one of the prestigious tree nut. United States is the largest producer of almonds in the world. We can buy it everywhere in the world from the nearest stores either raw or roasted with salt. Almonds are also being used in many snacks and sweets to make them tasty and healthy.

2.     Almonds are rich of Antioxidants

Almonds are amazing source of antioxidants. Antioxidants are used to help against stress, which kills molecules in cells and contribute to cancer and aging.

3.     Almonds are useful for Skin Health

Almonds are good source of vitamin E, which is very helpful to treat all skin problems such as pimples, dry skin, and scar. It is also helpful in preparing various skin and face masks. It works as best moisturizers for dry skin.

4.     Almonds Control Sugars

Nuts are the perfect way to include in your daily diet. These are packed with fiber and magnesium, low in crabs this makes almonds a better choice in diabetes. Home remedies for diabetes

5.     Lower the blood pressure

High blood pressure is one of the leading factor of heart attack, kidney failure and stokes. Magnesium deficiency always leads high BP irrespective of overweight and high volume of salt in your diet.

6.     Improve Bone Health

When it comes to bone and teeth health, phosphorous play an important role to strengthen them. Almonds are considered an important source of phosphorous.

Nutrition value of Almonds

28 grams or small handful serving of almonds contains the following nutrients -
·         Fiber: 3.5 grams
·         Fat: 14 grams
·         Protein: 6 grams.
·         Manganese: 32% of the RDA
·         Vitamin E: 37% of the RDA
·         Magnesium: 20% of the RDA
In the list of top nutrients in Almonds it also contain a large amount of copper, phosphorus, and vitamin B2 (riboflavin).
A small handful of almonds contains 161 calories and 2.5 grams of digestive carbohydrates.

Here one thing to note that 12-16% of calories don’t absorbed by the body because fat is more difficult to break down. 

Home Remedies for Dry Skin

Dry skin is a common problem at the time of winters. A part from this there may be more reasons for dry and flaky skin. A person always get worry when losing his/her smooth and silky skin. Everyone looks for natural remedies at home or never wanted to take medicine in this condition. Some peoples look for creams for dry skin and some look for home remedies for dry skin to get rid of it as soon as possible.

There may be more factors play an important role to make your skin dry like – aging, genetic, and nutritional deficiency.
A bunch of products such as lotion, cream, and moisturizers are available in market to get relief from dry skin but most of them comes with a high price tag.

Here our motive is to stop you from visiting the beauty store and to provide home treatment for your dry skin.

Natural Home remedies for dry skin

Jojoba Oil for dry skin

One of the major benefit of jojoba oil is that it is rich of all vitamins, minerals which are essential for healthy hair, skin, face, and health. As we all are aware that vitamin E is a good source to treat all skin issues. Jojoba oil is also essential for those who have sensitive skin without the fear of any side effect.

. Half (1/2) teaspoon jojoba oil
. 2-3 washcloth
. 4 cup lukewarm water

How to Apply

1.     Place washcloth on your face after soaking in the warm water for ten to fifteen minutes and then remove it.
2.     Take the jojoba oil in your both hand and massage it clockwise on your face and keep it continue for five to eight minutes.
3.     Let the oil soak on your face and wipe the rest oil from washcloth.
4.     This massage therapy should be done at least once a week.

Olive Oil Massage

 Olive oil helps in nourishing your skin as it consisted of all moisturizing properties. Olive oil also help your skin to protect from sun just because of the presence of polyphenols.

          .  1 drop of lavender essential oil
          . 2 teaspoon olive oil
How to Apply
1.     First of all mix lavender oil and olive oil
2.     Massaged on dry skin and wipe the rest oil from washcloth, and leave it for daylong

Sour Cream Face Mask

In order to make your skin moisturize and exfoliates dead skin cells you must need a sour cream because it is packed with lactic acid.

1.     3 teaspoon sour cream
2.     4 tbsp. gram flour

How to Apply

1.     Mix both the ingredients to make a paste
2.     Clean your face with cleanser face wash and apply mask on the face.  Keep it for half an hour.
3.     Wash with cold water after 30 minutes.
You can apply this homemade mask for dry skin thrice a week.

 Each remedy mentioned above will definitely work to get moisturizing skin but you also need to balance your diet on regular basis. You can also intake Vitamin E foods by using best sources of Vitamin E

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Top 10 home remedies to lower blood pressure quickly and naturally

High Blood Pressure or Hypertension 

High blood pressure is a silent killer. Nearly one third population of USA and 40% population of India is suffering from high BP.
Blood pressure is something which is measured as the force pushed by blood towards on vessels walls. Our heart pump the blood through the arteries; Every time our heart beat it pump the blood.
Your blood pressure measurement when it is normal and higher are as –
·         120/80 or lower is assumed as normal blood pressure in a human body
·         140/90 or higher is considered as high blood pressure

Main Causes of Higher Blood Pressure

 We support “prevention is better than cure”. Before curing high BP it is better to prevent it before diagnostics. A bunch of 35% peoples in India is suffering from high blood pressure and heart diseases and it is expected that more than 50% peoples will be suffering till 2025.

The root causes of high blood pressure are considered changed lifestyle, junk food, fast food, and having continue stress for 3 to 6 months.

High blood pressure can cause some serious diseases such as -
·         It is root cause of heart attack
·         Causes Stroke trouble
·         Support to Increase diabetes
·         It Lead to heart failure
·         Higher BP can cause kidney disease
·         You can also face vision loss

How to cure High Blood Pressure?

If you are suffering from high BP we recommend you to adopt these home remedies for high blood pressure to keep it normal. Here are simple tips to adopt in your daily life for 2 to 3 months and see the changes.
1)     Take 2 cloves of garlic empty stomach with 1 glass of water
2)     Drink adequate amount of water in a day. Recommended 6-8 ltrs.
3)     Have some fresh fruits or fruit juice
4)     Try to reduce stress level by spending time with friends , movies, and books
5)    Loki (long melon) and bitter ground juice can reduce blood pressure up to normal if intake every morning empty stomach.

6)    Regular exercises and yoga is one of the natural remedy to get rid of it permanently.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Best Home Remedies for Acne that works better

Acne is one of the major problems for teenagers and people of any age experiencing acne symptoms these days. Your skin is your mirror and friend. You always love your skin. Any kind of skin damage can harm your feelings. Here are number of home remedies for acne to help you out from pimples and acne. These remedies has been suggested by dermatologists that’s why you can use as supplement.

Expensive scrubs, creams, and consuming pills are not the best way to treat acne. This skin problem arises because of dust, chemicals, and odor in the air and more oil, spice in diet.
In order to treat acne at home without any side effect here we are discussing natural home remedies.

Home Remedies for Acne

Apply 1 Tbsp. Apple Cider Vinegar on Face

When it comes to top home remedies for acne, the apple cider vinegar act as a powerhouse. It is helpful to kill the bacteria which is one of the root cause of acne and becomes alkaline and maintain the PH balances of your skin.
How to Use:
1.    Wash your face with clean and normal temperature water.
2.    Mix 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar in 3 tbsp. water.
3.    Apply this mixture on affected area with cotton.
4.    Leave it for 15 minutes or overnight.
Applying this for 2 days a week for 2 months will result in moisturizing and relief in acne.

Apply Honey

Honey is widely used in various beauty products and home remedies. You can apply raw honey on your face before 15 minutes of bath. This method will tighten your skin and remove chances of aging from your face. Honey and cinnamon mixed home remedy will cure your acne.
How to use:
1.       Mix 1 table spoon cinnamon and 2 table spoon honey.
2.    Apply the paste on spots or whole face and leave for 10 minutes or until it get dry.

3.    Wash face and clean with cotton towel.

   Watch complete video to know simple home remedies for Glowing Skin

Monday, March 13, 2017

What are root causes and home remedies for constipation

Medication is not the permanent solution of constipation problem, for instant relief you can have consult with doctor or we will discuss some ayurvedic medicines to get instant relief of it. Here are some natural remedies for constipation you can try at home. These remedies will not only help you treat it but also regularise passing stools. Before knowing the home remedies, you must know the root causes of constipation -
1. Triphala powder or churna
As the name suggested the triphala powder is consisted of 3 ingredients – amla or Indian gooseberry, vibhitaki (Bellirica Myrobalan, and haritaki (Chebulic Myrobalan. This powder is helpful to regulate digestion and ease passing stools.
How to use:
·         Taking 1 Tbsp powder at bed time with lukewarm water will clean colon without making pressure.
2. Raisins (kishmish)
Raisins are full of fiber and play a role of natural laxatives. This home remedy better works for pregnant women without any side effect.
How to use:
·         Soak a handful of raisins in water overnight.
·         Have a handful of it in morning empty stomach.
3. Guavas
Guava is a fruit packed with Vitamin C and fiber with some level of folic acid. A single piece of guava contains 4 time Vitamin C then an orange. You must take 1 guava every day if you are suffering from constipation and acidity. Do not have at night, only take in morning and afternoon.
4. Lemon juice
Lemon is best detoxifier for your body. It helps in removing toxins from your body. If 2 tbsp lemon juice taken with 1 glass lukewarm water and 1 tbsp added honey empty stomach for a week, it will act as a cleanser.
 How to use:
·         Mix 1 tbsp lemon juice in 1 glass water and add honey to it.
·         Drink this mixture on an empty stomach to relieve constipation.
5. Figs
Figs are natural laxative to remove constipation without side effects.
How to use:
·         Boil some figs in a glass of milk and drink this milk at night before bed.
·         Drink lukewarm not cold.
6. Flaxseeds (Alsi)
When it comes to natural remedies for constipation, flaxseeds are among top sources. It is a rich source of fiber and used in many home remedies.
How to use:
·         You can mix grinded flaxseeds in your wheat flour.
·         Roast and mix black salt to it and eat like snacks 2 times a week.
·         You must use 2 tbsp flaxseeds daily for better result in constipation.

Diets to avoid in constipation:
To avoid constipation it is necessary to include fiber in your diet and leave all junk and fast foods.
·         Avoid sweets and more sugar items in your diet.
·         Avoid white flour and white flour made items and sweets.
·         Include fiber and yellow fruits in your diet such as papaya.
·         Drink adequate amount of water daily and drink cold milk at night.
·         Avoid rice and heavy foods on daily basis.
·         Eat raw and cooked green vegetables.