Monday, May 1, 2017

Health Benefits of Consuming Amla | Amla Juice | Amla Hair Oil

Indian gooseberry also known as amla, truly deserve to its top position among the list of super foods. Amla has 17 times more antioxidant power of pomegranate and 2 times of acai berry. Amla is a rich source of vitamin C and have 7 times more vitamin C of orange with same quantity.

According to Ayurveda some green fruits has been defined under Sanskrit word “Amlaki”. The fruits which comes under Amlaki are also called “Nectar of life” which help you from countless diseases and ailments. It has been proven in Ayurveda that amla helps to maintain all 3 body types (Kapha/pitta/vista).

Health benefits of Indian gooseberry are not just limited to protect from hair problems, boost immunity but also can help to cure cancer and diabetes.

If you are not familiar with various health benefits of amla you must read the below points to know the power of it.

Health Benefits of Amla

1. Amla Boost Immunity: Because of its antibacterial and antioxidant properties amla helps to boost one’s immunity. It helps to repair oxidative damage. oxidative damages in body are the root cause of cancer and other similar diseases.

2. Amla beautfy hairs:  Amla is one of the best tonic for hair. Its massage in scalp increase the blood circulation that make your hair healthy and strength. Eating amla increase vitamin C in your body that help to reduce dandruff and make your hair shiny and black.

3. Absorb iron in body: Indian gooseberry is rich of vitamin C which is used to absorb iron supplements in body. If your haemoglobin is not normal or less than 12.5 then consultants will must advise you to take haemoglobin rich supplements and foods. These foods without taking vitamin C will not be easily absorbed by body.

Amla Juice Benefits 

Amla juice is one of the best health drink on the earth. A person consuming 15 ML of its juice live healthy for years.
In order to get rid of all your stomach diseases and to live healthy for 100 years you must drink 15 ML Aloe vera juice and mix 15 ML of amla juice to it.

Amla Hair Oil

Amla hair oil is used to get rid of white hairs and dandruff. Around 4 to 5 ml of its oil will help you to make shiny and silky hair. It also help your scalp to protect from dandruff. Amla oil massage help your mind as well and increase brain power.

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