Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Indian diet plan for healthy skin and hair | Breakfast for healthy skin

The whole world is surprised already with healthy skin and long beautiful hairs of Indian women. Keeping long hairs are included in the culture of India for the years. This is common among the peoples of world talking about the skin and hair. If someone’s skin looks glowing peoples always ask what is the reason of your glowing skin?

Indian diet plan for healthy skin and hair is one of the main cause behind healthy hair and skin. Traditional diet plan of peoples of the country is contains essential nutrients which helps to keep you healthy and strong.

Indians uses natural recipes and ingredients to prepare their dishes at home. As per traditional values they always try to involve curd in lunch and drink at least 1 glass of milk at bed time daily. And also try to avoid junk and fast foods such as pizza, burger, and non-veg.

What you should intake in breakfast for Healthy skin and hair

Breakfast is the first diet of day you intake and the whole day depends on it. If you take bread and other bakery product then you need to change your habit as soon as possible. In order to make your skin healthy you must include some fiber in your breakfast.  Here I am listing some diets you can intake in breakfast.

Oatmeal with buttermilk: Oatmeal is better way to break your fast and additional buttermilk will add extra energy and nutrients to your diet. Drinking buttermilk is very helpful for glowing skin and shiny black hairs.
Here one more thing to should keep in mind that you must intake your breakfast before 9.30 A.M

Oatmeal with buttermilk

What you should intake in lunch

Lunch should be taken on time otherwise can create some abdominal diseases which can further be converted into some serious diseases. In India peoples always have lunch before 1 P.M. They include pulse and related ingredients which are full of vitamins and minerals salts. You can have some rice and roti with salad.
You also can have juice and cold drinks after breakfast and before lunch.


 Most Indians recommend to have very light dinner. Having heavy dinner may cause indigestion problem. Dinner should be consumed before 3 hours of sleeping.

Day Routine

1) Drink adequate amount of water daily. It helps to make shine on your face. Water deficiency in body can cause dry skin. For shiny skin and hair you must drink at least 8-10 glass of water daily.
2) You should avoid tea and coffee as much as you can.
3) You must drink 1 glass of milk at bed time daily. Drinking milk at bed time will help you to digest what you have eaten.
4) Keep remove constipation and indigestion problems. Because constipation is one of the main cause of skin and hair problems. In order to keep your stomach smooth you can drink aloe vera juice empty stomach in morning.
5) Protect your skin from direct sun light and you also can use sun lotion if visiting outside.

effective home remedies for glowing skin

foods for hair

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